Join us in this heartfelt discussion with Sarah Nash, a mom, marathon runner, grandmother and successful Arizona REALTOR. She candidly shares her journey about her passion for fitness and her encounters with health issues – from dealing with migraines to asthma from what she believes was caused by her Toxic Titties. Sarah also openly talks about a life-changing medical decision to remove her breast implants to alleviate her physical struggles, and the positive transformation it brought about in her life. She also discusses about her passion for running marathons and managing her real estate business. Listen to this inspiring personal journey, peppered with laughter, strength, and supportive conversation.
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Guest Contact Information:
Sarah Nash
ProSmart Realty
00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation
00:11 Sarah’s Passion for Marathons
00:41 Sarah’s Journey to Grandmotherhood
01:16 The Impact of Running on Sarah’s Life
04:33 Sarah’s Health Struggles
05:18 The Discovery of Toxic Implants
07:07 The Decision to Remove the Implants
12:36 The Surgery and Recovery
18:01 Life After the Surgery
23:31 Sarah’s Career in Real Estate
24:03 Conclusion and Contact Information
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 0:00
Y’all I am super excited to be joined with one of my dear friends out of the Phoenix, Arizona area. Sara Nash. Say, Hello, Sara.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 0:10
Hey, everyone.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 0:11
She’s a mom, a marathon runner. Okay, wait, hold on, we have to stop right there. So the first time I met Sarah was in a class that I was teaching in Arizona. And she had this wall that I couldn’t stop looking at it at all the colors and all these things, and I just couldn’t stop looking at. But yeah, she’s a mom. And she’s a marathon runner. And in the events as well as in real estate, it’s all about a marathon. And please do not hate me all. But October 12, she became a grand mother. Can you believe that? A does not look like it grandmother to a beautiful little baby boy. T or your clothing T? Is that what it is blood guarantee book or first and
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 1:01
middle name? And to have a pediatrician appointment today and he’s up to 11 pounds. 10 ounces. He’s one my goal.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 1:08
One month. Okay, so he was nine pounds, two ounces, nine point 3.3 Were so that’s a good thing. How many metals? Do you have?
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 1:20
I? Or how are the places that you’d like I’ve run over 30 races? Like I don’t really because you don’t get a medal for every race I trip. So I know. So that’s me, like my friends will be like, Hey, do you want to run this race? I’m like, do we get a medal? Because I like to have presented to me and awarded to me for my efforts. So I have 30 plus metals, way more than 30. But I’ve run 30 Like just regular races. But let me I need to clarify one thing. I’ve never run a full marathon. I’ve run I beat five half marathons, which is 13.1 miles. And then the rest 25 Plus that are between 5k and 10k. Some little longer. And then I’ve done multiple Ragnar Relay races, which those are a 200 mile relay split up over a team of either 12 or eight depending on if it’s road or trail. Let me get done. Non total, I think for trail and five road, and that you could be split your split up into three legs, if you will. And you could run anywhere from three miles on a leg to eight to 11. There’s even one leg that is 13.1 miles. And I never volunteered for that one. Because you still have to do one before and one after. But I think the most I’ve ever run into Ragnar and it’s a 24 hour like overnight, kind of raise. That’s crazy. 18 point something miles. That’s a ton of running, I didn’t actually start running until I was 40 Or maybe 41. So all of this has taken course over the last 10 years. I wouldn’t even have done it. But when I moved to Phoenix from the Seattle area, one of my girlfriends from high school and Taryn, she was in a boot camp. And she’s coming you gotta go to boot camp with me. And so I went to boot camp, and I started working out with her and met all these ladies, and they do all this fun cool stuff in there. And they say, Hey, do you want to do it? And I’m like, yep, setting me up. And I do having something to train for it. Like I need a goal. Otherwise, even though I’d been working out for 30 years or more, I will get stagnant if I don’t have something that I’m actually working towards.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 3:34
Did you run when you were in high school? Or like track? No,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 3:38
I didn’t do any. I was a cheerleader. But I didn’t play sports. Yeah, I was a gymnast when I was younger, and I did dance and that kind of stuff. But I never know if you’re gonna run the mile or PE are kidding me.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 3:51
I know, right?
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 3:52
I think I’m going to jump young and in shape. Whatever,
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 3:57
you are still young, and you are still in shape. Come on, let’s be real here. So I’ve met you in a class and those metals seriously had a huge space that were burned into my memory because I can literally still see them just line up on that wall. And you’ve moved since and I told you, you’ve got those metals back on the wall because they’re super impressive. And it is a lot that was what 2017 20s It’s been a while I
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 4:27
feel like I’ve known you forever and I love it and love it isn’t your Well, I feel like we hit it off. On
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 4:33
October 5. You made a face posts. And it hit me and I read it. And I didn’t comment on it. I didn’t do the one of those little emoji responses. And it was a reflection post. And it said nine years ago I was in good physical health. I worked out five to six times a week. I struggled to breathe, die I’ve noticed with asthma and my 40s, let alone lose any weight, a constant rash, migraines multiple times a week, I suffered with joint inflammation, brain fog, as well as a ton of other things that I assumed was all related to aging, even though she’s running marathons anyway. But little did I know it was my
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 5:21
toxic charity. You came out in public, talking about an experience. The kind of lasted a while. I had those implants for 20 years. And it’s funny because as I look back, I think I started having issues. After I’ve had them for maybe three or four years, I can’t remember the exact date what I do. Well, I mean, I’ve had migraines my whole life. So you have changes in your hormones and whatnot, things change. And so I think I started having multiple migraines a week, literally, like I was having to go to pt. for it. I was having massage therapy, I was doing all these things. I was on medication, and nothing was helping. And I just assumed that was just what was in the store. For me. Those were the carts right, like I had grown since I was like 10 years old. This is what this is my life. And now looking back on that, I think put two and two together. I had migraines when I was young. And then I don’t know if I grew out of them, or I’ve just had one randomly here and there. And then all of a sudden I’m having multiple a week flat on your back in the dark room. Whole thing. But I just powered through because that’s what you do. Your mom, your wife. You don’t have time for that shit. Yeah,
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 6:45
and you’re a real estate agent. So you’re constantly on the go,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 6:49
yes, there’s no time for that kind of stuff. Like you can’t be sick. You don’t pick it up when you can, you don’t quite know get it. Right.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 6:56
So you were having joint problems and everything. How did you get to the point that this was the issue? would find this out? This is
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 7:09
going on for years. And there’s no test like I don’t to this day can’t tell you with 100% certainty, although I can. That was the problem, Rob, because there is no test for it. There’s no way there’s just a big long checklist of symptoms that could be chalked up to many other things. And so you just have to be willing to make the leap. Take a leap of faith. I one of my girlfriends said to me, we were talking about something I don’t remember one of my many problems, and she’s my yoga instructor just had her implants out. She was going through a lot of the same things that you are, maybe you should look into that. And I was like, oh, no, no, if that was the case, that would have happened a long time ago. Like I’ve had him forever. Now that couldn’t be total denial. But she planted a seed. And I’ll forever grateful.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 8:00
So did you take that back to your doctor? Did you Did your doctor say, hey, let’s explore this, or how did you? Well, there
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 8:08
was no doc, like the doctor isn’t gonna say, oh, yeah, I think it is your implants. Don’t do that very, she planted that seed, and then I let it germinate. And I started going, doing research getting online looking into reading things. I joined a few Facebook groups for people that had breast implant illness. And I was like, Could it really be I didn’t think it could because I had saline implants. And you only think that the silicone is the bad one, right? But the saline is still encased in a silicone shell. And nope, nothing’s gonna last forever. And if it’s in your body, and it’s it will slowly start to degrade over time. And it know that some people it happens right away. Some people it takes years, a lot of women don’t have any problems or issues until after they have their first set, replace. And then some people are never affected by there’s no way to know for sure. But once I started doing all the research, and I’m just like, I think this is my issue. And my husband, oh, no, we can’t do that. That’ll ruin everything. And I was like, What do you care? It’s not your body. You’re not the one suffering. So eventually he came around and whatever you need to do I support you. But it’s so funny because it’s so many women I know are when I read just I’m still in the Facebook groups I still follow I still comment and follow other reading stories and share when I can. But so many of them are like, Oh, my husband won’t love me. My boyfriend won’t love me. I won’t feel sexy with your dad. What’s any of that matter? That’s the part that I feel bad for other people but I just finally decided it was time. But it took me a while like this was over the course of probably two years. It’s not like I just made a decision one day and did it.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 9:51
You’re saying you took about two years to do the research and stuff to try and figure out with all the brain fog in the swelling and implement addition, all of that was coming from before you basically made the decision to go to a partially surgeon and say, eviction. There’s, it’s time for this to go. And
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 10:12
I had another doctor that I was actually working with. She’s like hormone doctor, she’s not even related to this in any way, shape or form. But I was talking to her about it and I had some swollen lymph nodes that she sent me for an MRI she bloodwork she did some other tests, like I can’t even looking back like it was over the course of time. She’s like, Okay, let’s try this. Let’s try that. And finally, you know, I’m talking about pain in my underarm. And she’s like, well, a lot of times that is indicative of a heart condition, which scared the shit out of me, because my dad passed away at 49 have a heart attack. Now, granted, he didn’t exercise, he was a smoker, blah, blah, blah. And then my daughter was born with a heart defect. So obviously, something is in the genes, right. So I’m like, Oh, I never really had my heart checked out. So I should probably do that. So I went in and cardiologist is like, your heart’s fine, you’re super strong, everything’s great, maybe you should consider getting your implants out. Isn’t helmet, I just wanted there to be a reason. And they’re, Well, simply put,
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 11:17
but if you really think about it, one of the things that I hear from a women especially is that doctors don’t have a great track record of listening to them in what’s going on with their body, and then say it too, but you really hear women say, especially in that’s not always like you’ve got this perfect little team going on. So you really have to be that advocate for yourself, right.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 11:44
And it’s tough, because when you feel because you’re not the one educated, we’re all educated, but I in a certain way, but I’m not the one with a medical degree. So I would assume that I can count on them for correct information. That’s not the case. But it is funny now, because I feel like more doctors are coming around. It was and now a lot more women are able to have this covered by their medical insurance. I, as a realtor don’t have medical insurance, it was all out of pocket for me. But if you can get them removed and have it covered by your insurance, at least partially. Now,
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 12:20
neither one of us are doctors, and we’re not sitting here diagnosing you
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 12:25
talking about I’m not an expert on this, I need to
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 12:27
sand in you were what 50 years old when you jumped in and and had the implants removed.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 12:35
How was the surgery? The surgery was great. I had a really good surgeon. He’s located here in Glendale, and the way that they were removed, basically, this is going to stop pretty gross. But you basically get filleted from one side to the other, they lift it up and take your implant out with all the scar tissue around it. Because that is super important. You replace
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 12:58
it or tissue, they don’t just cut and just slide them out like you see, replace them.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 13:04
No. And that’s the problem. And I think that’s why so many women do have issues, once they are replaced, because they just cut you open pop the implant output the new one in this, they are taking it out with the scar tissue around it. And that’s the ultimate goal is to have it come out in one piece. But a lot of women have them, they stick to their ribs and so the doctors have a hard time getting them. And so it’s really important to find a doctor that can manage that, right because you don’t want any of it left behind. If some of that nasty toxic scar tissue gets left behind, you still have problems. And you’re like I went through all of this for nothing. Because it’s a pretty invasive surgery. It was a big deal. But in trusera fashion, I had my surgery in the morning, and then I was at home that night still hopped up on whatever they put, you know, in the IV, but writing an offer. I didn’t get caught. So then I hadn’t so I sent it to someone else to double check. When I
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 14:00
was about to say hold on, I think yeah, and then I’ve been
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 14:03
working with this plan forever. And she didn’t really want it. And so I was like, okay, so I wrote the contract. And then I sent it to someone double check my work, make sure to do anything crazy. Make sure everything looks good. I said yeah, all looks great. And then she ended up getting that house and that was I don’t know her like this was during the height of everything. And this was the fifth or sixth place we have written offers on for her. It was very, I feel like it was oh yay, like two good things happened.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 14:28
So was it a gradual change and you started just feeling worse and worse over because I guess you said you had them for 20 years so you probably felt great for a while and continued on and doing everything and then you probably had more headaches and everything like that. Right? Is that kind of not went that’s why you started thinking there was something going on? It was
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 14:51
just the constant step that wouldn’t go away. You know, the headaches and the inflammation and the brain boggling the pain my other arm was like, the straw that broke the camel’s back. Literally, I would be out showing property in the morning, be out all day finally get home and I would throw an icepack under my arm and have a glass of wine. Like, oh my gosh,
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 15:13
how did you balance your family and your career and not feeling good? How do you do it all? Because I know you a you give 110% everywhere but how do you do it? Where does it come from? Don’t just say, it’s my tenacity. It’s gotta be hard wife just doesn’t stop. And I know people say, Oh, you just soldier on but.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 15:36
And that. So I don’t necessarily have an answer for you on that. Because that is, but that’s how I live my life. No matter what happens, I’m just gonna power through. But I did have a lot of help, I will have to say that my husband was doing the grocery shopping, cleaning the house, cooking the meal. And not just when I was sick, like just when I’m super busy with real estate. Yeah. But Mike, it is lucky for me, my kids are older. They, they’re both out of the house. So I can’t imagine what it must be like for a younger woman with the younger children and a young family to do this. Real estate was a dream of mine since my kids were little. And I never had the nerve to pursue it. I wish I had. But I always thought oh, too scary for me, not a stay at home mom for 11 years. So it’s not like, I mean, I was busy. I feel like I was busier than than I am now sometimes, but
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 16:30
because I’ve always known you to be very positive. And you always focused and very goal oriented. And the thing that gets me is when you’re going through not feeling good. People get stuck in the pain. And you start not caring about everything else. And you didn’t drop the ball, you care. And
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 16:56
for me you didn’t grow up with money. I grew up in a small town. Everyone around me was poor, but I think we were even more poor. And I and that was just the work ethic was like, This is what you have to do. There’s no time right now it’s like you just keep going. And it’ll you know, there’s time for rest later you can sleep later you can you’ll feel better later pop smiling profane, just keep going. Have fun.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 17:24
Ibuprofen does not work great on a migraine, I can tell
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 17:27
you no, it doesn’t work at all on a migraine, the migraines know that I would sometimes have to take a break. Like literally, I think that probably only ever had to cancel clients twice for migraines, but then I just still lay in my room and but the amazing thing is, so the top cities were evicted on December 28 of 2021. And I had had literally one migraine since then one migraine since
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 17:59
one is your overall health then since the date of eviction
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 18:05
when will immediately like I, my mind started to clear up and I always thought oh Tipler whatever, you can’t really happen like that. But I kept looking for the differences in my eyes, like my eyes are clear. The wrench is gone. I had a rash into my breasts for 10 years. It’s not like I’d gone to the dermatologist many times and they’re like, Oh, here’s any creams or whatever. There are some things I miss, like I have little tiny babies now and I’m not sad about it because but I’m sometimes sad when I go to put on a dress or something. It looks different, but I would much rather I haven’t actually disappointed in what I had left. He left me with bigger boobs and I wanted like I wanted to be ready because I nails like I didn’t want anything I would have been amazing to me not to have to wear a sports bra when I run with you read but but I am just wearing like a bra from Costco. I used to have to buy these like $70 ginormous bras that went from here to here. And I have to do that anymore. So that’s cool. Well that and save on fabric. I don’t know. Exactly.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 19:13
Okay. So if you flashback in your mind, and you go back to when you were, say even Christmas 2021 And you’re thinking you’re gonna have this surgery, you’ve gone through stuff. You’re the last little fertile before you know, a couple of days and you’re going to have the surgery. I
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 19:35
was gonna say I was a nervous wreck. But anytime that you have to have any kind of surgery and I haven’t had a ton of surgeries in my life, so right, going under anesthesia scary. I just knew that I had to do that. Like I couldn’t. I didn’t want to back out. I just wanted to get it over and done and when I didn’t do it, then I knew I’d have to do it in the future.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 19:54
What would you tell that Sarah from Christmas 2021 As
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 19:58
I told her Oh, he got this shouldn’t say I was I would be your girl. You got this and you’re gonna feel so much better when you come out the other side? Yeah, I’m grateful that I made that choice with
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 20:11
you had it to all do over again? Would you get them? No,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 20:15
I wouldn’t have gotten them in the first place. I don’t
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 20:20
That’s it? That’s a hard question because you can’t go back 20 years, you can’t go back and change that. But it’s still that for somebody who pride priority to help and is always up for a challenge and running and stuff. It’s just an interesting,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 20:34
if I could go back and make a new choice, I definitely would not get them. I because I do recall now I’d probably had them for, I don’t know, a couple months. And there was a movie that came out with these guys, it was blue something and it was about some girl surfing in Hawaii. And they weren’t, they all just work these teeny, tiny little triangle tops, and then just little tiny boobs. And I was like, I wish that I had that. I wish I hadn’t done this. Because now I can’t just work that like everything has to be supportive and everything, like think about that aspect of it. Right? And that they would get in the way at the gym that like that that would cause problems. Like I wasn’t a runner. So that wasn’t a concern for me at the time. But then, when I’m running, I’m really cool. Just would be amazing. So I can run now and I don’t have to think about it.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 21:27
So your asthma is gone. Everything’s bad. And well,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 21:32
yes, that I couldn’t. I felt like I was breathing through a dirty screen. And I don’t know that if I can even explain it like that. Or if that’s a good way to explain it. And it had been, hey, you’re on lightweight cobwebs and stuff build up on the screen, you blow through it, and you can see the things going fluttering. That’s what it felt like for me breathing when I was trying to exercise. So I looked at the doctor, and they’re like, Oh, you’re fat. And I was like, that’s not aware. How
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 22:01
do I have asthma? Where did that come from?
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 22:03
I’m 40 some years old. But do you just develop asthma like, anyway, I didn’t even really think about it. Like that was always a concern. Right. So I had to carry an inhaler. And I was constantly dealing with that. And the first time that I went out to exercise when I was finally able to record and sealed up, right. And I’ve had my inhaler. I went walking with some friends and I was like, Fine, you can jump the gun. And I just took off. Like I didn’t have to think about it. I didn’t have any issues breathing, I didn’t have to use my inhaler first. Like it was
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 22:36
very energy levels were back to where they want needed to be. And,
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 22:41
like I can just go now to download to arch theory has like a piano TPT. So
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 22:46
you’ve been, what, two years to the free
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 22:52
23 year.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 22:56
It’ll be two years 28th of December. Right? Or Correct? That’s an amazing thing. How is life Now how’s work how it is? Other than an amazing, precious group is
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 23:09
awesome. I have a brand new grandbaby that and love him so much. Everybody else said, Oh, wait till you have your grandkids. And I didn’t realize like how would you let them It can’t even they don’t live here. And so the way he was born, I went to go spend two weeks with them. And they’re coming down here for Thanksgiving. And I can’t even wait. I’m like, oh, work is slow. I’m gonna be honest, the interest rates and everything that’s happening right now. It’s things have slowed down a bit, you got to do what you got to do, and just keep plugging away in real estate. I’ll never stop i It’s truly my passion. It’s what I enjoy the most.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 23:44
And you’re so good at it. And you’re so smart. I can testify those two things.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 23:49
I really do enjoy it. It’s my favorite thing serving people. And you’re
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 23:53
the you’re amazing. And I can tell you from an educators point of view. There you go. Thank you, Sarah, for jumping in and telling your story. And if folks want to send you a referral or talk to you about Phoenix real estate, what is the best way to get in touch with you and you
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 24:12
can shoot me a phone call or text 602-642-5699 And also, you can find me on Facebook, I have a personal page on our business page but or you can send me an email, and I’m happy just to talk about real estate. If anybody has questions about breast implant illness, I’m happy to share my story. It may not be exactly yours, but I’m, I would love to be able to do that for people.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 24:36
There’s strength with numbers and sharing of knowledge and experience. So thanks. Just so everybody knows where you’re gonna put Sarah’s contact information in the show notes below was episode I
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 24:51
love to talk to people. She loves to talk
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 24:53
so give her a call and want to listen to Okay. Yeah, no you do. You’re You’re listening. You’re a good listener. Thanks, Sarah.
Sarah Nash, REALTOR 25:02
Thanks, Robbie.
Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English) 25:05
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. We’re dropping a new episode every Sunday at 12 noon central. We’d love your support for the real tea with Robbie English (Host, The REALTEA with Robbie English). Please do us a favor and leave us a review on Apple podcasts. It only takes a couple of seconds and it really does help us out. Also, be sure to share it with your colleagues and friends. Until next time, we hope you have a profitable and productive week.