CE credit may be voided due to late arrival after official start of class or when returning from lunch or breaks. No partial CE credit will be given.
For TREECAST classes all students must be visibly seen on camera and all students must be in a stationary position and not operating a motor vehicle.
Per TREC, students are required to show photo ID at class signup and when signing in for each subsequent day of class. Since this is a live broadcast, the instructor will need you to hold up your driver’s license to show your picture and name. You are welcome to cover the other confidential information such as address et cetera with your fingers.
You need to be present in class. The use of electronic devices is limited to course related activities. Turn your phone and other interrupting devices on mute, vibrate or turn off the devices altogether. Please let those around you know that you are in class to keep any and all interruptions to a minimum if at all as this is a live classroom and its success depends on the interaction of the students in class. The instructor reserves the right to TERMINATE your feed if you are not engaged and paying attention in class. If the instructor terminates your feed, you will not receive credit for this class.